Hi, I'm Ryan. I am a graduate full-stack software developer based in Galway City.
- BSc in Computing in Software Development (Distinction),
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT)
- Oracle Certified Associate - Java SE 8 Programmer I
- Oracle Certified Professional - MySQL 5.6 Developer
React, Angular, Ionic, Express, Apache

Languages & Libraries:
Java, C#, SQL, JavaScript/TypeScript, HTML/CSS, C, Python

Database Software:
MySQL, MongoDB

Git, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Netbeans, Unity, Postman, Node, Windows Subsystem for Linux


In-game Screenshot

Unity 2D Platformer

Technologies: Unity [Entity Component System (ECS), Animation, 2D Physics], C# (Scripting)
Skills: Game Design,

A 2D platforming game created in the Unity Engine, and scripted with C#.
Features Platforming gameplay based around a double-jump mechanic, with several enemies and obsticals to avoid.

Portfolio Logo

Portfolio Website

Technologies: HTML, CSS

This website was built from scratch with HTML and CSS, using Flex to ensure responsive web design.

Express server code

Distillery System - Backend

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Express, MySQL, Postman (automated-testing), github
Skills: Version Control, Teamwork, Project Management, Agile, SCRUM

This was a college project for a real client in Galway, who wanted a system developed to keep track of the various processes involved in the creation of the various types of sprits they produce. It involved working under an NDA as we were given access to confidential information.

I was part of a 4-man team, which was divided into 2 each on the front and back-ends. I was the lead on the back-end team; we were tasked with creating an Express server and RESTful API to interface with a MySQL database for the React front-end.

The project was ultimately unfinished due to time constraints; but in the 12 weeks we had, we created a foundation for future development and it was an intense excercise in systems analysis, data modeling, database design and project management.